Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Wyatt is born-here are PICTURES!!!

This post is completely devoted to PICTURES!  I have posted what I feel is some of the best pictures captured over the course of our nine month adventure into Carly and I becoming parents to Wyatt Reed Lydic and the first week of his life.

Wyatt was born on April 17th at 3:10 am.  He weighed seven pounds, thirteen ounces and measured twenty one inches long.

In the coming days I will be writing a new post devoted to updating you all on the specific events of labor, the birth of Wyatt, and the immediate days following his birth.  For now I just wanted to share some of the single moments of beauty that come with a baby, in particular my baby, being born.

Please note that this NOT the photo gathering project that some of you participated in-I will be getting that in order and ready to share with everyone shortly.


Our very first glimpse at Little Baby Wyatt.  Taken 10/5/12

A 3D look at Wyatt.  He is about the size of a raspberry.
The now somewhat infamous view of Wyatt.  Taken 12/21/12.

Carly trying to decide what
crib mattress pads to buy.
Taken 11/28/12.
A "baby bump" picture.
4 months pregnant.
Taken 11/22/12.
Another baby bump picture.
5 months pregnant.
Taken 12/21/12.

The "non-stress test."
Possibly the most stressfull part
of being pregnant.  Taken 2/22/13.
Carly all cocky and smug.  Little does she
know that Little Baby Wyatt was going
to take 33 more hours to show his face.
Taken 4/15/13 at 6:07 pm.

The bed in which Carly would soon feel
some the worst pain in her life.
Taken 4/15/13 at 6:03 pm.

The very first picture taken of Wyatt.
He is literally just minutes old.
You can see the nurse holding
the ink pad for his footprints.
Taken on 4/17/13 at 3:16 am
(he was officially born at 3:10).
Wyatt is just 20 minutes old.  You can still see his
blue little feet.  Taken on 4/17/13 at 3:30 am.

Baby and mama catching up on
some much needed rest just hours
after delivery.
Taken on 4/17/13 at 10:33 am.
Baby and mama introducing
themselves to each other.
Wyatt is just 3 hours, 34 minutes old.
Taken 4/17/13 at 6:44 am.

Snug as a bug.  Here is has been
alive for 5 hours and 2 minutes.
Taken 4/17/13 at 8:12 am.
Wyatt sleeping (again!).
Taken 4/17/13 at 6:32 pm 

Daddy and Wyatt.  Wyatt is starting
to age. Here he is and entire 3 1/2 days old.
Taken 4/20/13 at 12:09 pm.
Daddy and Wyatt again, the next day.
Taken 4/21/13 at 11:36 am.

Wyatt just chillin in his
Lion King swing.
Taken 4/22/13 at 3:36 pm.

Mamma and baby snuggling out
their relationship.
Taken 4/23/13 at 4:59 pm.
You can never use too much snuggling-
especially when you're just 6 days old.
Taken 4/23/13 at 5:00 pm.

If you did't know any better you'd
think they just lounge around
all day, everyday.
Taken 4/24/13 at 5:44 pm.

I hope you enjoyed these!!!


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