Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Why Hello There, Little Baby Wyatt!

Hello there!  You probably thought I forgot about you all, huh?!  Well, I didn't and needless to say I have a ton to catch you up on.  The last time I posted I left while Carly was in the middle of child labor.  Obviously, she's not still in labor and Little Baby Wyatt is a real live person gracing this planet now.  As a matter of fact, Wyatt turned a whole four months old last week!  (yep, its been that quick already)

You will notice I have presented the labor process and Wyatt's first five days of life in a timeline fashion followed by highlights of the last four months.

The whole labor process was, well lets just say, it didn't go entirely as I had envisioned it would.  I expected some screaming and agony from Carly lasting about an hour followed by an angel's chorus raining down upon Carly and I as the doctor would hand me a golden pair of scissors from which my now suddenly Atlas-like physique would sever Little Baby Wyatt's final connection from being a fetus to becoming a real live baby boy thereby officially welcoming Wyatt onto this earth.

Yep, so that didn't exactly happen-not even close.  The angel's chorus was replaced by the sound of clamps, scalpels, and muffled doctor's voices, my figure remained skinny-assed, and I wasn't allowed to cut the umbilical cord.

Due to forces beyond our control, the plans we had made leading up to Wyatt's birth had to be almost completely disregarded.  After some bit of physical and mental struggle (with the brunt of the physical struggle coming from Carly) it became increasingly obvious the best and safest way for Wyatt to be born was via a cesarean birth.

With the hope of having a natural birth having completely disintegrated we were now being prepared for a c-section.  The NICU was alerted and readied in case anything took a turn for the worse. Carly's bed was wheeled down the hall and into an operating room.  In the meantime I was given an outfit resembling a beekeeper's attire to put on before I was able to follow Carly.   When I get into the room I saw about eight other people dressed like I am surrounding Carly.  I was given a chair to sit in that was placed right by Carly's head.  Across Carly's chest was a big blue curtain that I was told I wasn't allowed to look over or past.  I looked at Carly and could tell that, although maybe a little bit nervous, she was doing great.  I was fairly freaked out.  I could see the tops of the heads of a handful of doctors who are saying words like "clamps," "spreaders," "scalpel," etc..  Carly's upper torso was getting yanked and pulled on causing the parts of her that I can see, her shoulders and head, to be moving around quite a bit.  After a few moments we heard our doctor mumble, "stop biting me!"  Apparently Wyatt was none too pleased about getting removed from his nice, comfy home.

Then I heard it: I heard the baby scream!  What a crazy, amazing, surreal feeling that is.  I can't imagine anything in life will ever be able to mimic the feelings that I felt rush through my body when I first heard Little Baby Wyatt vocalize his announcement to the world that he indeed was gracing it with his presence.  Thirty-three hours after stepping foot into the hospital we were finally rewarded with the gift of our son.  Upon Wyatt's broadcast to everyone a woman quickly showed him to us and then whisked him away to a station where she cleaned him up and ran some tests.

For those who are wondering, the statistics behind Wyatt's birth are as follows:
Date: April 17th, 2013
Time: 3:10 am
Weight: 7lbs, 13oz.
Length: 21"

After about twenty minutes Carly was wheeled into an observation room where a couple of nurses ran some tests on her and to where we were able to officially meet Wyatt for the first time.  It was in this room that we had our first truly personal and tender moments with our newborn son.  I doubt I'll ever forget how it felt to hold him for the first time and the feeling I had as I looked at my wife and now the mother of my child.

DAY 1:
We were pretty exhausted from the previous three days' events.  Carly was sore and a little groggy but doing great.  We had a bunch of visitors but didn't allow anyone to see him until  about noon, nine hours after birth, so that we could relax and enjoy him ourselves for a little bit.  Carly's grandma and grandpa both visited and both cried out of happiness of their newly bestowed title of "great-grandparents."  One "highlight" of the day was that I got pooped on-Wyatt unloaded merconium, that thick tar-like poop, four times all over me.  To make it even worse, he did this while there were visitors in the room.

Carly and Wyatt were learning how to breast feed with mixed results-Wyatt wasn't taking the latch as well as one might hope.  As a result, the nurses brought a nipple shield to help assist in the process.  After some trial and error this worked fairly well (there were the good easy feedings and then there were the feedings that were a little bit more of a struggle).  The night was fairly uneventful as all three of us were able to get a really good night's sleep.

DAY 2:
I was getting my pictures from everyone for my project, The World At One Time: Day One (I still have them and I've tried captioning them the best I could.  I'm still working on the best way to post them all).  Overall, day 2 was a great day as we seemed to have the hang of everything.  A friend of mine came over and brought some celebratory cigars.  We went to the dock and I was able to kind of just decompress a little.  When I got back, however (and still feeling a bit loopy from smoking the cigar), the seemingly mythological and dreaded "SECOND NIGHT" happened.  We thought we were prepared, we thought we would be able to handle any situation-we thought this "SECOND NIGHT" thing that we were warned about only happened to crappy parents.  After about 12 hours of nonstop fussing and freaking out from Wyatt  beginning at about 8 pm and not ceasing until around 8 am the following morning, we were proven either to be crappy parents ourselves or that this was something that happens to pretty much everyone.

(For those of you who don't know, everyone-from hospital staff to family members-warns newbie parents of the "second night."  Apparently this is something that happens to just about everyone.  The night of the baby's birth the baby sleeps really well as the birthing process for him is extremely exhausting.  The second night, however, the baby is really confused as being born has caused him to enter a universe that is completely different from what he has come accustomed to over the course of his nine or so months inside mom's womb.  As a result, a lot of babies tend to act like a-holes the night of his second day here on earth.)

One thing that completely caught me off guard from Carly was that she was already talking about having another child.  Its been said that men wouldn't be able to bare the pain of childbirth.  I'm still not entirely sure if my gender could go through the pains of childbirth however, I do know that if any of us had to ever go through the kind of pain and stress that my wife went through there is no way any guy ever would be willing to go through it again, much less discuss it just two days after the fact.

DAY 3:
Exhausted from no sleep, everything we thought we believed in with handling Wyatt was destroyed.  With that self-doubt diving deep under my skin I was thinking in my head, "how the hell are we going to be able to handle this?"

Although I ended up chewing on this qualm all day, a very exciting thing did happen on the third day of Wyatt's life: WE GOT TO GO HOME-our five day stay in the hospital was finally over and we could have Wyatt all to ourselves...Hold on a second, we don't get to take that hand dandy little red nurse pager home with us?  We don't get to have someone on call at all times?  Uh oh, shit is about to GET REAL NOW!!!  Loading up the baby and putting him into the car and bringing him into our home for the first time was fairly nerve racking.  Its at this point that my insecurities of whether or not I could do this, do this "dad" thing, kind of struck me.  We were now the ones, Carly and I, who were going to be solely responsible for this person's existence; his well-being or lack thereof was now officially up to us.

Once I was done hyperventilating over these notions we were able to get Little Baby Wyatt home safe and sound.  That night, quite opposite of the previous night, actually went pretty well.  I really didn't sleep as the anxiety from the previous night's events were still fresh in my memory.  However, with that aside, Wyatt slept great and let mommy and daddy sleep about six straight hours with only needing a feeding about halfway through.

DAY 4:
Our first day without the hospital's assistance went pretty freaking good all things considered.  Baby, like I mentioned, slept great.  The whole day he was pretty cooperative. It was my niece's second birthday and thus their parents had a birthday party for her.  We were a little hesitant to go and bring the baby but I'm glad we did-it gave everyone who hadn't seen Wyatt yet the chance to see him without having to bombard our apartment.  Little Baby Wyatt slept through most of the time we were there but seemed really fussy for some time after we got home.  After a little bit of struggling he slept pretty good through the night.

DAY 5:
Wyatt fed really great.  This was the first full day that Wyatt didn't fight Carly while trying to eat.  We went to Carly's grandparents' house out in Northeast-about a fifteen minute drive.  Wyatt was definitely a rock star-albeit a sleeping rock star.  Everyone wanted to hold him and watch him and they in particular wanted to see his eyes.  However, the entire three hours we were there he was sound asleep.  Between the drive to Northeast that day and my brother's house in Lake City (about a 25 minute drive) one thing we learned early on about Wyatt is that a good car ride will definitely put him to sleep.

I could bore you with all of the details of every single day since Wyatt was born (he's now 130 days old) but I won't.  However, there have been some highlights I feel that are worth noting.

About two weeks after Wyatt was born I was holding him in my hands and was having one of those cliche moments where I was thinking I had the cutest most adorable son ever.  However, the next thought that crossed my mind was that "I bet even Adolf Hitler had people in his early life that thought he was cute and adorable too."  This thought kind of dampened my mood.  Since that moment anytime Wyatt starts acting like a pain in the ass I call him by his alter-ego nickname: Adolf.  (By the way: Carly isn't a real big fan of the nickname; she prefers to call him a "dalek" after some sort of evildoers in a show she watches, "Dr. Who"-its some sort of nerdy thing of hers that flies over my head).

One disappointing thing I found about having an infant is that they seem to survive mostly on robotic-like instincts, especially in the first few weeks.  For example, if you pet a cat she will purr giving you some indication that she's content and that you've done right by her.  With a newborn there isn't that instant gratification at all; when you do something that you think should elicit a positive response there's just a blank stare and barely anything else.  Around the age of four weeks Wyatt began to have social smiles and began to really give us responses that broke the purely instinctual type reactions we had seen up to that point.

Just a few weeks ago we took a road trip to Philadelphia to see some family.  In the trip Wyatt went to his first baseball game (Phillies/Giants in Philadelphia), his second baseball game (Pirates/Cardinals in Pittsburgh), dipped his tootsies into the Atlantic Ocean for the first time in Ocean City New Jersey (he hated that), and saw the Liberty Bell, among other adventures.  Some of the cuter pictures of him from the trip can be found down below.

Well that's it, that's pretty much what its been like to raise a child in the first four months for us.  In about a week we plan on introducing Wyatt to real food for the first time; we plan on it being pureed sweet potatoes.  This should be fun...


"Why, hello there!"
Courtesy of Carly's friend, Jess M.

"That's my name, don't ware it out!"
Courtesy of Jess M.
Wyatt, Carly, and I with a cracked bell of some sort

Apparently father and son have similar sleeping habits

Just chillin on the Jersey Shore

The first time he touches seawater...

...and he didn't like it (as he dug his nails into my right nipple)

First Buccos game
First Phillies game
"It's a prearranged friendship"

"What channel is the ballgame on?"

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Wyatt is born-here are PICTURES!!!

This post is completely devoted to PICTURES!  I have posted what I feel is some of the best pictures captured over the course of our nine month adventure into Carly and I becoming parents to Wyatt Reed Lydic and the first week of his life.

Wyatt was born on April 17th at 3:10 am.  He weighed seven pounds, thirteen ounces and measured twenty one inches long.

In the coming days I will be writing a new post devoted to updating you all on the specific events of labor, the birth of Wyatt, and the immediate days following his birth.  For now I just wanted to share some of the single moments of beauty that come with a baby, in particular my baby, being born.

Please note that this NOT the photo gathering project that some of you participated in-I will be getting that in order and ready to share with everyone shortly.


Our very first glimpse at Little Baby Wyatt.  Taken 10/5/12

A 3D look at Wyatt.  He is about the size of a raspberry.
The now somewhat infamous view of Wyatt.  Taken 12/21/12.

Carly trying to decide what
crib mattress pads to buy.
Taken 11/28/12.
A "baby bump" picture.
4 months pregnant.
Taken 11/22/12.
Another baby bump picture.
5 months pregnant.
Taken 12/21/12.

The "non-stress test."
Possibly the most stressfull part
of being pregnant.  Taken 2/22/13.
Carly all cocky and smug.  Little does she
know that Little Baby Wyatt was going
to take 33 more hours to show his face.
Taken 4/15/13 at 6:07 pm.

The bed in which Carly would soon feel
some the worst pain in her life.
Taken 4/15/13 at 6:03 pm.

The very first picture taken of Wyatt.
He is literally just minutes old.
You can see the nurse holding
the ink pad for his footprints.
Taken on 4/17/13 at 3:16 am
(he was officially born at 3:10).
Wyatt is just 20 minutes old.  You can still see his
blue little feet.  Taken on 4/17/13 at 3:30 am.

Baby and mama catching up on
some much needed rest just hours
after delivery.
Taken on 4/17/13 at 10:33 am.
Baby and mama introducing
themselves to each other.
Wyatt is just 3 hours, 34 minutes old.
Taken 4/17/13 at 6:44 am.

Snug as a bug.  Here is has been
alive for 5 hours and 2 minutes.
Taken 4/17/13 at 8:12 am.
Wyatt sleeping (again!).
Taken 4/17/13 at 6:32 pm 

Daddy and Wyatt.  Wyatt is starting
to age. Here he is and entire 3 1/2 days old.
Taken 4/20/13 at 12:09 pm.
Daddy and Wyatt again, the next day.
Taken 4/21/13 at 11:36 am.

Wyatt just chillin in his
Lion King swing.
Taken 4/22/13 at 3:36 pm.

Mamma and baby snuggling out
their relationship.
Taken 4/23/13 at 4:59 pm.
You can never use too much snuggling-
especially when you're just 6 days old.
Taken 4/23/13 at 5:00 pm.

If you did't know any better you'd
think they just lounge around
all day, everyday.
Taken 4/24/13 at 5:44 pm.

I hope you enjoyed these!!!


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Its DUE TIME For Little Baby Wyatt

So, we have now been sitting here for 24 full hours in the hospital anxiously waiting for Little Baby Wyatt's entrance into this world.  As Carly, myself, and the rest of the world (relatively speaking) wait for his arrival I'm going to recap what has happened in the past few months since I last updated this blog...

First, can you believe its been a little over eight months since I got the call from Carly that nearly put me on the floor while I was stocking cartons of milk?  The mere thought of becoming a father in the next few hours, quite honestly, has me freaking out a bit.

On a bit of a lighter note, here's something kind of odd that I wanted to share with you:

A couple of months ago Carly thought it would be cool to find out what a computer program thinks our baby would look like.  The picture above is its result.  I think its kind of creepy and I'm not quite sure where it got the ginger looking hair from.  It was just another one of those things that helped to amplify Carly's excitement so I guess in that regard it did its job-still creepy though.

One of the really great things Carly did for us in preparing for the baby was sign us up for a couple of baby classes held through the Women's Center of Erie.  Initially I was not at all thrilled with having to take these classes; the classes met every Tuesday and Thursday in the month of March.  However, my displeasure with the idea of these was quickly extinguished.  I cannot tell you how freaking awesome these classes were.  The women who taught the classes were absolutely wonderful and the material that was covered made myself and Carly feel mentally empowered.  Thus we were able to feel more ready for childbirth and its consequences than we were previously had (although I did, regretfully, have to miss watching a handful of Penguins hockey games to attend these classes-the things a dad does for his child that isn't even born yet!!!).  Honestly, if anyone knows they are having a baby or plans on having a baby and lives in the Erie area I highly recommend you to take these classes-they are that good!

Believe it or not, I too have been doing things to prepare for Little Baby Wyatt to come (I mean, other than writing this blog of course).  One thing I got into my head was to build some wooden blocks that were meant to resemble the toy letter cubes that children learn their alphabet with.  Carly was my inspiration for this-she was painting some the letters of Wyatt's name to hang on the wall of his nursery.  When I saw them I thought letters on wooden blocks might be pretty cool too (actually, I just wanted to "one up" her, haha).  Although I had never even thought about doing any woodworking projects I dove into this one head on.  I took a 4'x8' sheet of plywood and then cut them, glued them, hinged them, stained them, painted them, and polyurethaned them into the final forms.  At the end you will find the pictures showing what the end result of this project was along with the letters that Carly painted as well (that were quite cool in their own right).

(I know it might be a little narcissistic for me to gloat about it with the pictures and all but this is my blog and you have to see my awesomeness!, haha) 

Another thing I did was cook and freeze a bunch of food.  Over the past two weeks I have prepared 2 full pans of lasagna (25 servings), 60 chicken nuggets, 53 meatballs, 3 tubs of goulash, 24 breakfast burritos, and 30 stuffed shells.  I figured once we got the baby home we weren't going to be having the energy to be doing too much cooking of dinners (I haven't been down that road yet but I can imagine a screaming infant and baby's poopy diapers everywhere kind of dampens the mood to cook).

One of the crazier undertakings we took pre-baby was to move.  We found a far better apartment and a place that seems to be far more baby friendly and decided to pack up and go.  We did this an entire two weeks before Wyatt was due to grace us with his presence.  Although we didn't move far (only about three or four miles away from the old place) you can imagine how big of a pain in the ass an 8 1/2 month pregnant Carly was to me and everyone that helped move-haha.  Kidding...Sort of.

One of the, if not the best, preparation tools we have been able to utilize is the folks who are largely reading this blog right now-you, our friends and family.  I know I've said this before and maybe I'm starting to overdo it a bit but I really want to thank everyone and anyone that has taken the time to help us in our endeavor into parenthood.  (A special shout out to Greg from the corporate office of the company I work for as him and his wife gave birth to a beautiful baby boy named Kayden on February 8th.  I have had the great pleasure of being able to share baby stories with him for the past number of months).

It is very likely that Wyatt will show his face very soon so I better get going (don't want to miss "cutting the cord" on the account of "could you just hold on?-I'm trying to update my blog?!").  Anyways, here is a picture of a happy joyous Carly just getting into her gown from yesterday (believe me, that happy joyous Carly is far removed right now).

As always, I wish you all pleasant reading and hope you join me for my next post-the post that will NOT be about impending parenthood but rather current parenthood.


Happy Joyous Carly
Carly's Letters Of Inspiration
Some Board...
Became Hinged Boxes...
And Then Wyatt Lydic.
Some Painted Graphics On Its Sides

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A New Year And Soon A New Life

2012 sure was a crazy year, wasn't it?  The past year saw, among other things, guys swimming really fast in the Summer Olympics (Phelps and Lochte), a South Korean guy (Psy) that became a cult icon for singing something that included an entire four English words, and someone (Felix Baumgartner) actually jumping out of a helium balloon 128,100 feet above earth and then living to tell the story.  Oh, and one last item of note that happened in 2012 is the fact that I impregnated a woman thus forcing the coming year, 2013, to become the year that I become a father (and the woman who I impregnated, also my wife, to become a mother).

Its been almost a full two months since I last posted an update on this blog and, needless to say, there are a few things I think you may find interesting.

First, I want to show you a picture.  This picture is a 3-D sonogram picture from December 21st.  If you notice, Little Baby Wyatt, an entire negative 112 days old, is demonstrating a hand gesture seemingly with the intent of communicating something to the effect of "leave me alone."  I want it be known that the very day he is born he is soooo grounded; he needs to know "flicking off" mommy and daddy will NOT be tolerated.
Stop Looking And Prodding At Me!

In addition to having the sonogram done that day there was the typical pre-natal check up and talk to the doctor.  It was during our discussion with the doctor, Dr. Warner, that I got some really "disturbing" news.  Dr. Warner informed us that Carly, although currently in great physical shape needed to exercise more.  The reason for this, she explained, is that exercising would help in lowering her blood pressure and working her muscles would make for an easier birth.  Her suggestion was to do some walking and the easiest way to do the walking, she posed, was to park far from store fronts of the places that we shopped.  As she said this I mentally agonized with the fact that this meant no more of the awesomely fantastic "Expectant Mother Parking" that I had become accustomed to utilizing (despite Carly's embarrassment).  Below you will see where we used to be able to park and where we are now forced to park at Wegman's.  This is a travesty that cannot be oversold.

This is where we used to park
This is where we have to park now at Wegman's (that's our red vehicle on the right)

On a bit more of a serious note we learned about a month ago that Carly has gestational diabetes.  When I first found this out I was kind of freaked out a bit.  I was thinking something to the effect of "first she has high blood pressure, now diabetes-there is no way this is going to be a 'smooth' pregnancy."  However, once Carly and I ascertained a bit of information we learned that this isn't an "end of the world" type problem.  Carly now has to take her blood sugar four times per day and monitor the meals she eats.  In a weird way, this may actually be a good thing.  We had gotten into some really bad dietary habits from eating out a lot to snacking on sugary foods throughout the day.  The gestational diabetes has forced Carly (and to a large extent myself) to consciously examine the foods she is consuming and thus make better decisions.

There are a few more items I would like to quickly update you on:
  • Carly, to my surprise, has yet to really seem to act "hormonal" yet.  I have been hearing for the past five months about how big of a "B" Carly will become with the pregnancy.  To this point it really hasn't happened yet.  (Although a couple of weeks ago while grocery shopping she threw a fit over something really stupid and threw out all of the coupons.)
  • Despite a couple of risk factors Carly has developed, the high blood pressure and gestational diabetes, the baby is doing perfectly fine so far.  Every test has come back exactly as good as we could hope.  In the last round of tests Wyatt's size showed a result of being in the 40 percentile meaning that at this stage in his development Wyatt is larger than 39 percent of his peers and smaller than 60 percent of them-basically ideal.
  • Carly keeps wanting to "spoon" when we wake up and for me to hold her tummy.  Holy hell, I really hate laying in bed.  The next few months better move quickly because I don't know how much I can take of this "let's just lay in bed for a while" thing.
  • I received three of the "so you're going to be a dad" type books for Christmas.  Although I am extremely grateful for them I just need to get something off of my chest that they all discuss-"male sympathy pregnancy."  I'm sorry, I just can't buy the whole male sympathy pregnancy thing.  To this point I just see men who supposedly "experience pregnancy symptoms" as guys who are just jealous of the attention their partner is receiving and thus (even subconsciously) want to feel what she is feeling.  As soon as my breasts start feeling tender or I have menstrual cramps I will gladly retract this statement. 

In addition to being pregnant, Carly is really starting to look pregnant now too.  Below you will see a couple of shots of Carly's "baby bump."

December 21: 23 weeks, 5 days along
Thanksgiving Day, November 22: 19 weeks, 4 days along

Something that I have found interesting with pregnancy is the way nature kind of gives a parent-to-be a time period to get ready for the new addition.  A byproduct of the nine months given to a human offspring to be ready for its life is the fact that the nine months also gives its parents time to get ready for the arrival.  The past few months have been full of us collecting diapers, outfits, and preparing a nursery for Little Baby Wyatt.  In addition we have been able to (probably more me than Carly) try to mentally prepare for the responsibility of being parents.  As I sit here right now we already have about forty outfits, eight packages of diapers, and four boxes of wipes.  In addition, we will be having a diaper party and baby shower in the next couple of months.  I cannot thank nature enough for this little buffer zone to parenthood.

That is just about I have for all of you for now.  Just as an FYI Carly has a sleep apnea test this Thursday night (basically she snores a lot and they are trying to find out if its a symptom of her high blood pressure) and then she has a pre-natal test on Friday.  Oh, and for those of you following my baby thought splurges on Twitter (@babyBlogED), I got a new smartphone so I'll be splurging a lot more!  Yay!

Until my next splurge of thoughts on my impending parenthood, I continue to wish you all pleasant reading and, in spirit of the new year, I hope you all have a great 2013,
